Subscription Levels
To support and protect our community members from an expensive ambulance bill, our subscription service works by paying a yearly small subscription fee to Shaler-Hampton EMS. In return, subscribers receive at 50% discount on out of pocket costs. Please see our FAQ for changes to this year’s program.
We do have subscription reciprocity with each of the EMS services that surround us – and many more through the Northeast Ambulance Alliance (NEAA). Please reference the map below or feel free to call with any specific questions.

Shaler-Hampton EMS recognizes that different households have different needs. So, we have developed three levels of subscription that allow households to tailor their subscription coverage to their needs. These levels vary in cost and who is covered under the subscription program:
Coverage includes the individual named on the front of the subscription form.
Coverage includes all permanent residents of the address named on the subscription form.
Family Plus
Coverage includes all permanent residents of the address named on the subscription form plus any guests who may need an ambulance while they are at that address.